Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The blog begins.

Every morning I wake with a list of projects and errands that I'd like to tackle for the day. Writing and keeping up with a blog has been on that list for months now but it seems that their is always something else more pressing or interesting that I would like to be doing, so it gets pushed down the list. Today I stand firm- their will be no reorganization- I will start my blog.

And now, just a few words on my intentions for the blog.

Pictures tell a thousand words. I'd rather be working than writing and I think you'd rather see my work more than you'd like me to tell you about it. I intend to fill the page with pictures and keep the text lite.

I'm going to be putting everything in one place. You'll definitely be seeing machined parts but I'm also going to throw in other whatever else has captured my interest at the time.

And without further ado: I'm off to get started chipping away at that list.

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